Did you miss the live viewing of your anticipated webinars? We’ve recorded our Play Therapy and Non-Play Therapy related videos for your convenience.
Check out our available titles below, their corresponding prices, and other details.
To register, simply send us an email at cbps2006@gmail.com.

Recorded Webinars
CBPS offers both Live & Recorded webinars on a variety of Play Therapy and Non – Play Therapy related topics. Couldn’t make a live viewing? See below for recorded versions available now at a reduced rate!! To register email cbps2006@gmail.com. with the webinar of your choice.

Play Therapy Takes The Stand in Court
3 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $69
Participants will be provided with critical information to be adequately prepared to testify in court as a child therapist. More specifically, participants will learn what situations to avoid while conducting play therapy in order to maximize credibility and minimize the chances of being disqualified as an expert or fact witness. How to respond to subpoenas, what to include in a Curriculum Vitae, how to prepare a summary of treatment, and tips on how to respond to direct and cross examination will be a vital part of the discussion. Additionally, how to prepare for and get through a deposition will be included. Furthermore, dilemmas encountered with child custody and sexual abuse cases will be discussed. Providing a clear explanation of how play therapy works to bring about healing will be emphasized.
Learning Objectives:
- State critical information needed to adequately prepare to testify in court as a child therapist/play therapist
- Identify situations to avoid that could potentially disqualify a play therapist as a fact witness
- Formulate a clear and precise explanation of play therapy practice.
Gregory Jacobs, Attorney at
Law & Sonia hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

Tools of the Trade- What’s in your Play therapy Toolbox?
2 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $49
Play therapy tools are special toys with which children play out themes in the various stages of the play therapy process. It is well known in the play therapy world, that play is the child’s language and toys are the words. Toys should be carefully selected and not just collected, as suggested by Dr. Garry Landreth, an expert in the field of play therapy. This 2-hour workshop will discuss basic toys for the playroom, as well as useful information in maintaining a functional playroom for play therapy. Additionally, emphasis will be placed on the presenter’s favorite toys/items. Examples of how these toys/items are used and metaphors that have emerged will be shared and discussed.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the various themes that emerge in play therapy
- Identify toys that may represent the various themes in play therapy
Sonia Hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

Managing the Angry Child Using Play Therapy & CBT Part I & II
6 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $89
The psychodynamics of anger, to include common reasons for its occurrence and how it is manifested in children will be discussed. Specific play therapy techniques and CBT strategies for working with the angry child will be explored. The role of parents in coaching children to manage anger will also be included. This workshop is particularly important, given that a significant number of children in play therapy experience anger that is out of control.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe salient facts about anger
- Identify the role of parents in helping children manage anger
- Demonstrate CBT and play therapy strategies for managing anger
Sonia Hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

Play Therapy Myths and Misconceptions
3 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $59
“How does playing with my child causes him to stop having meltdowns?” “ I want you to talk to my child, not just play with him.” Providing a clear explanation about what play therapy is, and its function, is essential in order to gain cooperation and trust. Even with precise explanations and examples, there are times when parents and caregivers are not convinced that play therapy is for their child. By exploring myths and misconceptions about play therapy, and focusing on the benefits, beginning therapists will have a much better understanding of how to communicate this modality to parents and caregivers. Additionally, the beginning therapist will have an opportunity to clarify how play therapy works to bring about healing.
Learning Objectives:
- State critical information needed to adequately prepare to testify in court as a child therapist/play therapist
- Identify situations to avoid that could potentially disqualify a play therapist as a fact witness
- Formulate a clear and precise explanation of play therapy practice.
Sonia Hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

Recognizing and Responding to Potential Sexual Abuse Themes in Play Therapy
2 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $49
Therapists working with young children in play therapy will inevitably over time encounter children who have been sexually abused. Paying attention to potential “red flags “ is essential since young children typically do not have the words to communicate what is too painful or complicated to say with words. When sexual abuse has been disclosed, certain patterns in the child’s play may be evident. This workshop will address various behaviors in play therapy that should prompt the therapist to look further. Suggested responses will be included.
Learning Objectives:
- Define sexual abuse
- Describe some potential indicators in children’s play that could prompt the therapist to look further for signs of sexual abuse
- Identify potential therapeutic responses based on the child’s play that could indicate sexual abuse.
Sonia Hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

Responding to Cultural and Ethnic Themes in Play Therapy
3 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $59
“Children say the darndest things!” Because young children are not always able to process socially appropriate comments, they often blurt out exactly what is on their mind. For a play therapist of color, working with young children can be a challenge, since children at the age of 2 1/2 may become aware of difference in race, and may find creative ways to make it known. In play therapy, how the therapist responds can affect the therapeutic relationship in a positive or negative way. This workshop will discuss cultural awareness in children, and present examples of how children have expressed this during play therapy sessions. Interactions with the therapist and suggested responses for validation and insight will be included.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the importance of cultural competency when working with children in play therapy
- State common ethnic themes that may emerge during play therapy
- Identify suggested responses to children who may comment on ethnic differences during a play therapy session
- Demonstrate toys and materials in the play therapy room to emphasize inclusion
Sonia Hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

Demystifying Play Therapy
3 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $59
The mention of the word “play” creates doubt as a therapeutic modality because play is seen by some as trivial a waste of time, or activities that should not require a therapist. This workshop promises to clarify what play therapy is and how it works to bring about healing so that it is no longer a “mystery.” The value, how it brings about healing will be explained using case examples. Don’t miss this information rich session.
Learning Objectives:
- Define Play Therapy
- Identify the tenants of Child Centered Play Therapy
- Describe how play therapy works to bring about healing.
Sonia Hinds, APRN,
Register NOW!

History, Theory & Foundations of Play Therapy
6 CE Non-Contact Hours
COST: $125
Designed to provide basic understanding of play therapy as an appropriate mental health intervention with children. Includes major approaches, stages in play therapy process and the role and responsibility of the therapist. Special issues to be addressed, some of which are precursors to other workshop offerings. An historical perspective relative to the origins, contributions of the giants in the field and the early use of play therapy will be included. Play therapy techniques will be presented and practiced.
Learning Objectives:
- Define Play Therapy
- Identify the tenants of Child Centered Play Therapy
- Describe how play therapy works to bring about healing.
Arti Kumar-Jain, NCC,
M.A., M.Ed
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