This summer, Chesapeake Beach Professional Seminars LLC is offering live webinars geared towards helping participants to become proficient in Play Therapy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this one-time online event has been approved by APT. Participants can choose to sign up for the entire 2023 Maryland Play Therapy Boot Camp or take individual training.
Introduction to Child Centered Play Therapy for Beginners
- Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S™
- When: July 17, 9am-5:15pm EST
- CE Hours: 6
- Cost: $150.00
During this session, participants will be introduced to the entire play therapy process from start to finish, including how to make skilled responses, identifying therapeutic themes and issues, tracking progress, setting limits, responding to questions and making decisions about termination of sessions. Additionally, participants will learn how to select toys for the playroom and work with parents effectively. This workshop will provide a framework for conducting play therapy in order to begin conducting this work immediately. Includes didactic information and videotape presentation, as well as roleplay and hands-on practice. If you are serious about play therapy, this workshop is a MUST! It is CBPS thought that every therapist working with children in a mental health capacity should have this training as a foundation regardless of the play therapy modality being used.
Tools of the Trade, What’s in Your Play Therapy Toolbox?
- Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S™
- When: July 18, 6pm-9:30pm EST
- CE Hours: 3
- Cost: $78.00
Play therapy tools are special toys with which children play out themes in the various stages of the play therapy process. It is well known in the play therapy world, that play is the child’s language and toys are the words. Toys should be carefully selected and not just collected, as suggested by Dr. Garry Landreth, an expert in the field of play therapy. This 2-hour workshop will discuss basic toys for the playroom, as well as useful information in maintaining a functional playroom for play therapy. Additionally, emphasis will be placed on the presenter’s favorite toys/items. Examples of how these toys/items are used and metaphors that have emerged will be shared and discussed.
Taking Play Therapy Outdoors
- Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S™
- When: July 19, 9am-5:15pm EST
- CE Hours: 6
- Cost: $150.00
Who said play therapy must be indoors? Attend this outdoor interactive session and learn an array of directive play therapy activities using the therapeutic powers of play, CBT, Gestalt Play Therapy, therapeutic art, and equine therapy. Here you will experience Mindfulness Scavenger Hunt, (Therapeutic) Archery, Tape-Art storytelling, and self-esteem-building games for social skills. Participants will visit a powerful local art exhibit followed by on-site art-making.
Cultural Diversity in the Playroom
- Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S™
- When: July 20, 6pm-9:30pm EST
- CE Hours: 3
- Cost: $78.00
This training will focus on the importance of inclusion of various cultures and ethnic groups. For example, age, gender, the culture of children, parenting styles in certain cultures, what to be aware of in the play room, parent inclusion and how to incorporate the creative art while incorporating the culture of the child and family.
Kaleidoscope of Play Therapy Techniques Part I and II
- Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S™
- When: July 21, 9am-5:15pm EST
- CE Hours: 6
- Cost: $175.00
I wish I learned more play therapy techniques! This will not be said after attending this training.
At this training, participants will first learn that play therapy is not about collecting techniques, as much as it is learning how to be with the child in the context of the play therapy process, as stated by Garry Landreth, one of the most influential contributors to child-centered play therapy. After briefly reviewing the tenets of child-centered play and cognitive behavior therapy, participants will learn and practice a series of directive play therapy strategies using the creative arts to address: Learning the difference between aggressive, passive, and assertive responses, explaining the three phases of therapy to children and adolescents, helping children identify meaningful treatment goals, and building self-esteem. This training is hands-on, using imagination and creativity in a playful way to engage and connect.