Gestalt: The sum is greater than its parts as long as the relationship between the parts remains. A process-oriented approach to therapy, based on Humanism, Reichian Therapy, Phenomenology, Holism, and Existentialism. Gestalt Play Therapy created by Violet Oaklander, Ph.D., RPT-S (retired), its main focus is to help the client become aware of their own process and achieve change through contact, awareness, choices, and self- responsibility. Ultimately, once aware, clients decide to maintain or discontinue behaviors. This training will discuss in-depth the Seven Principles of Gestalt Play Therapy with children and adolescents as created and taught by Violet Oaklander, Ph.D. (retired). Using case studies, the application of the principles will be demonstrated using a rich array of art, clay work, music, therapeutic stories, role-play, and exercises.

Learning Objectives:
After the training, participants will be able to…

  • Define play therapy
  • List the major contributors to play therapy
  • Describe the differences between Non-Directive and Directive Play Therapy
  • Describe the seven core Gestalt Play Therapy Principles
  • Demonstrate Gestalt Play Therapy techniques for each of the seven core GPT principles
  • Analyze case studies to demonstrate the application of the Gestalt Play Therapy Model

Presenter: Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S

Sonia Hinds, APRN, PMH-BC, RPT-S; Founder and Director of Chesapeake Beach Professional Seminars LLC. Founder and Director of Barstow Acres Children’s Center, a non-profit organization that provides children’s mental health services. Trained in Gestalt play therapy with Violet Oaklander (retired). Authored chapter, Play Therapy with African-American Children in text, Cultural Issues in Play Therapy by Eliana Gil, Ph.D., RPT-S, and Athena Drewes, PsyD, RPT-S.

Continuing Education:
Continuing Education Hours / Clock Hours for: Counselors / Social Workers / School Psychologists / Marriage & Family Therapists / Psychologists / Art Therapists / School Counselors / Play Therapists: 12

NBCC Clock Hours: 12/1.2 CEUs.